2023 Iowa LEND Research Posters

2023 Iowa LEND Research Poster Symposium
The 2023 Research Poster Symposium took place Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Scroll down to learn about the trainee research projects. Click on the images of the posters to download an accessible pdf of each.
Iowa LEND Trainee Research, 2022-2023
Assessment of Inclusive Driver’s Education Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities
Briani Baboolal, Health Care Administration, and Annika Almquist, Self-Advocacy

Parent Utilization and Knowledge of Disability Resources and Services: Analyzed by Child’s Diagnosis
Falicia Beck, Social Work, and McKenna Gross and Lexi Shaffer, Physical Therapy

Mental Health Accessibility for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Needs Assessment and Comparison of Services in Iowa and Puerto Rico
Pam Bozec, Amber Rissman and Roshely Quinones, Psychology, and Iris Colon, Family

Attendance and Disability: A Conversation with Principals in Iowa and Puerto Rico
Missy Buesing, Family, and Genesis Morales, Psychology

Physical/Architectural Barriers at the University of Iowa
Ali Casella, Education, and Richelle Kime, Social Work

Disability, Queerness, and Employment: How to Foster an Inclusive, Affirming, and Accessible Work Environment for Queer and Neurodivergent Employees
Kaleb Cook, Community trainee

Understanding a Providers’ Perspective on Patient-Centered Care for Non-Native English Speakers and Families Served at the Center for Disabilities and Development
Kelly Gerlich, Audiology, and Hianca Pinho, Public Health

The Importance of Socializing for People with Mental Illness
Kris Graves, Self-Advocacy

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs): Qualitative Familial and Clinician Perspectives
Paul Holdefer, Public Health

Justification for Increased Reimbursement for Clinically Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Johanna Knutson, Health Care Administration

The Efficacy of Group Social Skills Interventions for Adolescents and Young Adults with Pragmatic Language Deficits
Emma Rose, Morgan Thorpe, and Anna Koogler, Speech-Language Pathology

Current Shortages, Recruitment, and Retention of Direct Service Providers in Iowa
Katie Wick, Nursing, Cheryl Ferguson, Education, and Claire Wilke, Community

Pediatric Dentistry Trainees
Characteristics of Children 6-36 Months of Age from IOHP Related to Fluoridated Water Exposure and Use of Fluoride Toothpaste
Ryan Abdelrahim, Pediatric Dentistry

Adverse Events Following Use of Nitrous Oxide
Jeff Anderson, Pediatric Dentistry

Differences in Acid-Tolerant Bacteria and C. albicans in Children
Ryan Hemsley, Pediatric Dentistry

Gender Differences in Pediatric Dentists Career Satisfaction: A National Survey
Eric Kenney, Pediatric Dentistry

Second Molar Substitution: A Survey of Dental Specialists
Macaira Leahy, Pediatric Dentistry

Rural Health Group Project - Health Equity in Rural Iowa: A Qualitative Study
Nathan DePuy, Ashley Banta and Reina Glandon, and 2022-2023 ILEND trainees