Our Team Approach
The Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD) delivers evidence-based clinical services to Iowans with disabilities across the lifespan. People who come to CDD often have complex needs, which is why we use a team approach, bringing together the right experts to help families find answers. At the heart of each team are the patient and family. Other key team members include community providers and our staff.

Center for Disabilities and Development
Visit the Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD) website to learn more about CDD's clinical services:
- Programs and Services
- Patient and Family Resources
- Community Supports and Services
- Our Care Team
- Locations and Offices
- Patient Stories
- Related News
- Educational Resources
Spotlight on Our Clinics
At CDD, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care through our interdisciplinary diagnostic clinics. Our specialized clinics include the Autism Center, Neurodevelopmental Evaluation Clinic, Transition Clinic, Wheelchair Clinic, and Neuromotor Clinic. Each clinic is staffed by a team of highly skilled experts who collaborate to offer thorough assessments and family-centered care plans tailored to each individual's needs.
The Healy Clinic
Many families and patients who come to CDD for care, begin their visits at the Healy Clinic. The Clinic is named after Alfred "Al" Healy, MD, who served as CDD Medical Director for many years. His legacy inspires the collective efforts of a diverse group of providers who serve patients in CDD's many clinics.
The Autism Center
At UI Stead Family Children's Hospital Center for Disabilities and Development, a team of autism specialists from a variety of disciplines works with patients and families to diagnose and treat the disorder and to address the many aspects of life touched by autism.
Transition to Adulthood Clinic
For Teens and Young Adults Ages 14-30
Studies show that dreaming, planning and taking positive steps increases the likelihood of success as a person enters adult like. The Transition to Adulthood Clinic at the Center for Disabilities (CDD) helps people who face barriers to independent living navigate this transition. It helps them, and their families and support systems, develop a plan for the future.

SLP Therapy - Book Project
CDD speech-language pathologist Pena Lubrica, recently finished a book project with her therapy patient, Cash Boles. Cash also illustrated the book.
The book is available in the Disability Resource Library at CDD.
Disability Resources Library (DRL)
Among Iowa’s libraries, the Disability Resource Library (DRL) in Iowa City is unique as an academic family resource center focused solely on disabilities throughout the lifespan. Housed in the Center for Disabilities and Development on the University of Iowa campus, the library is staffed by a research librarian who can locate information on any number of disability-related topics. At the same time the DRL is heart and soul a family- and person-centered resource that strives to respond to each client in his or her comfort zone.
DRL Book Corner
The Disability Resource Library (DRL) has new books available for check out from the library. Subjects include autism, dyslexia, anxiety, and more!
CDD Clinic Visits
Schedule an appointment online or call to discuss scheduling options.