Iowa Compass
Iowa Compass has information about programs and services for Iowans with disabilities, their families and service providers. Access thousands of local, state and national programs for people with health-related conditions and disabilities. Call, email, chat, text or search the website for answers to disability-related questions. Visit the Iowa Compass website.
Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health (CEBH)
The Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health (CEBH) at the University’s Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) provides training, technical assistance, and fidelity monitoring to entities responsible for developing and implementing evidence-based practices for individuals with serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, and co-occurring conditions in Iowa. CEBH promotes the use of centralized standards and best practices to advance behavioral health services. For more information, visit the CEBH website.
EPSDT Care for Kids
The Center for Disabilities and Development has partnered with DHS’s Iowa Medicaid Enterprise and since 1991 to undertake activities that promote participation in the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program and enhance the quality of the services offered through EPSDT. Visit the Iowa EPSDT website.
Conner Training Connection
The Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD) receives an annual appropriation from the Iowa Department of Human Services to administer the Conner Training Connection grant. The Conner grant also publicizes upcoming disability-related training events through its website and through an email distribution list. Visit the Conner Training Connection website.
Olmstead Consumer Taskforce
After the landmark Olmstead Supreme Court Decision, DHS convened a statewide steering committee, later named the Olmstead Consumer Taskforce. Task Force members include people with disabilities, family members, advocates, representatives of key state agencies, and other stakeholders. The Center for Disabilities and Development has staffed the Taskforce since Iowa received its first Real Choices Systems Change grant in 2002. Visit the Olmstead Taskforce website.