poster presentation

2020 Iowa LEND Trainee Research


Iowa Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Understanding Audiology Diagnostic Testing

Alyssa Adamec and Kristen Ponturiero, Audiology 

Project Abstract


Implementing the TAGG to Promote Student Centered Planning in a Comprehensive Post-Secondary Ed Program

Mary Ball, School Counseling

Project Abstract


Examination of the Impact of a Poverty Simulation on Interdisciplinary Healthcare Professionals’ Attitudes Towards Patients of Low Socioeconomic Status

Alyssa Barnes and Julia Ganda, Social Work 

Project Abstract


Analyzing the Effectiveness and Prevalence of the Lifespan Model of Care and its Potential Benefit to Iowans

Keaton Betterton, Healthcare Administration

Project Abstract


Quality Improvement of an Adaptive Sports Program for Children with Disabilities

Stefanie Cunard and Emily Geison, Physical Therapy 

Project Abstract


Training Needs and Perceived Knowledge about Applied Behavior Analysis of Health and Education Professionals in Puerto Rico

Lourdes García Tormos and Madieliz Rolon Rivera, Speech-Language Pathology (Puerto Rico)

Project Abstract


Improving Identification, Management, and Referral of Depressed and Suicidal Youth

Jennifer Manternach, Nursing

Project Abstract


Educational Professionals’ Perceptions of Children with Special Healthcare Needs (CSHN) and their Families

Cassandra Olmstead, Family

Project Abstract


A Measurement of Self-Advocacy Awareness in Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Megan Roome and Audrey Wood, Speech-Language Pathology

Project Abstract


The Iowa City/Coralville Transit Study: Findings and Potential Impact on Persons with Disabilities

Sujit Singh, Self-Advocacy

Project Abstract


Association of Health Care Needs, Care Coordination, and Medical Home with Emergency Department Utilization

Morgan Swanson, Public Health and Medicine

Project Abstract


Connecting Patients to Community Resources to Address Social Determinants of Health

Nicole Vershaw, Healthcare Administration

Project Abstract


Young Adults with ASD and the Potential Positive Impact of Video Game Therapy

Joel Wesselink, Self-Advocacy

Project Abstract


Employment Outcomes and preferences in Adults with Childhood-diagnosed ADHD

Sara Wise, Psychology

Project Abstract


Comparison of associations between childhood adversity and behavioral, neurological, and developmental conditions among U.S. children

Kasra Zarei, Medicine

Project Abstract


Early Childhood Caries Among Premature Children Enrolled in WIC: A Retrospective Case-Controlled Study

Alison Christensen, DDS

Project Abstract


Co-morbidities in Children with ASD Undergoing Oral Rehabilitation Under General Anesthesia

Jenn Feingold, DDS

Project Abstract


Success Rates of Unilateral Space Maintainers in Pediatric Patients

Katrina Goebel, DDS

Project Abstract


Unique Biomarkers in Saliva of Children with Sjögren Syndrome

Paula Gomez Hernandez, DDS

Project Abstract


Sodium Hypochlorite Pulpotomies: 10 Years After

Kyle Nordeen, DDS

Project Abstract