2021 Iowa LEND Research Posters

2021 Iowa LEND Trainee Research
Healthy Connections
Amber Alaniz, Social Work & Peggy Schwab, School Counseling
Use of wideband reflectance versus tympanometry in the detection of conductive hearing loss in children, secondary to otitis media
Cayley C. Allison, MA, Audiology
Actual Knowledge about Applied Behavior Analysis among Health and Education Professionals in Puerto Rico. Mariela Avilés Font, B.A. & Laura Miranda Olivera, M.A., Psychology
Establishing Quality Performance Indicators for Outpatient Rehabilitation Services
Christian Cota, MHA Candidate
Storytelling as Intervention: Implementing Experimental Design in Survey Research about Disability Stigma
Michaela Curran, Public Health
Disseminating Information to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Patients and Their Families: Clinician and Parent Perspectives
Abigail Denque, Speech Language Pathology, and Dayrin Lovan, Family
Institution Model to Integrate Social Determinants into Care Delivery
Anne Edwards, Health Administration trainee
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) – Communication Partner Training
Michaela Goodley, Speech-Language Pathology
Improving Hearing Aid Personalization Algorithm Efficiency with User Preference Correlations
Justin Jensen, Audiology
Factors that contribute to device abandonment in children with severe and challenging behaviors who use AAC
Abigail Straight B.A., and Megan Kinnerk B.A., Speech-Language Pathology
Effects of Academic Accommodations on Mental Health in Collegiate Students: A Review of the Literature
Rebekka Luebbers, Mental Health Counseling trainee
Factors Important to Successful Independent Living for Persons with Disabilities
Kelsey McVey, Self-Advocacy Trainee
Characterizing the Maternal Psychosocial Experience When Raising a Child with Autism
Tessa Meisner, BAN, RN, Nursing
Making the University of Iowa more accessible and inclusive to individuals with disabilities: Lessons from top ranked accessible campuses
Michael Penniman, B.B.A., Community Trainee
Disclosure of Queerness and Disability Identities: A Systematic Literature Review
Jesus M. Pichardo Jr., MA, Psychology
Assessment of Barriers to Physical Therapy Care and Management for Adults with Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities in Iowa
Carter Stigge and Hope Yates, Physical Therapy
Running Interference: The Impact of sports on people with Autism & NDD
Mike Vratsinas, Self-Advocacy Trainee
Association of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in US adults
Guifeng Xu, Public Health
Availability of Intermediate Care Facilities in the State of Iowa, in Comparison to Individuals in Need
Shelly Zeimet, Family Trainee
ILEND Group Project - Telehealth in Iowa
Amber Alaniz, Michaela Goodley, Tessa Meisner, Laura Miranda-Olivera, Carter Stigge, Abigail Straight, Hope Yates
Pediatric Dentistry
Factors Associated with ECC in WIC-Enrolled Children Aged 12-36 Months
Leah Barshinger, DDS
Use of Protective Stabilization Devices with New Pediatric Dentists and Current Residents
Kelly Binding, DMD
COVID-19 and its Effect on Iowa Dental Practices: A Survey
Elizabeth Pfohl, DDS, MS
Childhood Obesity and MetS are associated with Oral Microbial Dysbiosis
Ada Reyes, DDS1
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