
For Families & Caregivers

For Clinicians

For Self-Advocates

Disability Rights Iowa - Helping Iowans with disabilities with their disability rights issues.         

Statewide Independent Living Council - Strengthening the voices of Iowans with disabilities on issues affecting their lives. 

Money Follows the Person - Provides opportunities for individual in Iowa to move out of Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities into their homes in the community of their choice. 

Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council - Working to create change with and for persons with developmental disabilities so they can live, work, learn, and play in the community of their choosing. 

Iowa Compass - Connect with health-related needs for people with disabilities in their communities throughout Iowa .

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - An organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness, advocating for better lives for those who have a mental illness. 

How to Get Help from Social Security 

Living Well Iowa- Emergency Preparedness - Self-advocates learn how to develop their own emergency preparedness plan and how to join a community emergency response team to help them develop community emergency plans that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Autism Support Groups (Autism Society of Iowa)