kid sitting in drivers seat with a big smile

Money Follows the Person Partnership for Community Integration Project (MFP) is a collaboration between the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (IHHS) and the Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD). MFP provides opportunities for Iowans to move out of Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID) into their own homes in the communities of their choice. Individuals living in Nursing Facilities, Psychiatric Mental Institutes for Children (PMIC), and inpatient hospital settings may also qualify. MFP grant funding, which comes through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), provides for transition services and enhanced supports needed for the first year after an individual moves into the community. 

MFP Specialists

Under a contract with Iowa Medicaid, Transition Specialists from CDD are deployed throughout the state to provide transition planning services, community options awareness, training, and ongoing support and care coordination to individuals with disabilities, their families and facility-based and community-based providers. The Project Director provides oversight for the statewide project and coordinates the MFP grant-related activities. 

In addition, CDD employs an Employment Specialist to address employment barriers faced by MFP participants, and a team of Behavioral Support Specialists to provide training and consultation to providers, individuals and families, who are assisting a person that may be experiencing challenging behaviors. Learn more at: Behavioral Support Services.

Transition Planning Guide cover page

Helping people with disabilities make the transition from Qualifying Facilities to community living requires careful planning, coordination and communication. The Transition Planning Guide was developed based on the experience of supporting individuals' transitions through Money Follows the Person. The guide's checklists help identify and meet needs for making successful moves to community living. Checklist topics include housing, medical or physical conditions, and mental and behavioral health. Download the guide: Transition Planning Guide.

An MFP Transition Story

Shane Fetui was just 16 years old in 2000 when he fell and suffered a traumatic brain injury that required three to four months of hospital care, followed by years of searching for the right services and support. Finally, with support from REM Iowa and Iowa’s Money Follows the Person program (MFP), Shane made the successful transition back to community living. Read Shane’s story: Shane's Story

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services - MFP

Visit the Money Follows the Person page on the IHHS website for more information and relevant documents, including eligibility for MFP participation and a downloadable MFP referral form: Money Follows the Person - IHHS.

For more information, please contact:
Lindsey Robertson
Money Follows the Person Program
Center for Disabilities and Development
Phone: (515) 256-4637